Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Day Two --- Tuesday, March 17

Day two is done. At this point it looks like we will be out at least through the end of the month...possibly (probably?) longer.

Our day was pretty similar to yesterday - coffee, breakfast, outside time, school work, chores, lunch, iPad time for the boys, more outside time, a weight workout for me, dinner, family time, and bed.

 Morning snuggles with Daisy...

 I will say that it has been nice to sit and enjoy my coffee in the morning. 

 We're looking rough for sure, but when he jumps in your lap and asks you to take a picture of the two of you, you do it. :-)

 Once RA got home I pent some time this evening giving myself a mini facial. It was so relaxing. 

 Daddy helping his littlest buddy put together some mini-vacuum robot thing...

It's like a Roomba...kind of. It doesn't go very fast (nor does it really pick up much dirt/dust), so Gus wasn't really amused by it. 

I did spend a good bit of time this morning checking in on some of my students. I need them to know that we are still here to support them even though we're doing so remotely. Most of them were in good spirits, but I can tell that some of them are just as overwhelmed as the adults are right now. Reassurance that we are all in this together and that we care for them on the whole, not just academically, was my primary point of conversation with them. I will say that I am especially thankful for the ability to communicate with my students via our online platforms and safe texting app, Remind. And I hope they are thankful that we're checking in on them.

We (the boys and I) still haven't left the house and we certainly have everything that we need, but it feels weird to not jump in the car and run to Target, or to grab coffee, or to the park. I have a feeling this is our new normal for quite some time, though, so I might as well get used to it.

So many deep thoughts, worries, and concerns, but I'm tired. And overwhelmed. Have I mentioned that this is overwhelming?

Stay safe, my friends.