Friday, March 20, 2020

Day Five --- Friday, March 20

Day five...

Our morning started early with everyone up (for some strange reason...I don't know why) around 6:15.

First priority - coffee...then breakfast...then a leisurely morning of cartoons for the boys.

 Getting in his morning snuggles with Gus...

A little LEGO building to start his day...

I jumped in to school work pretty early - emails to respond to, gradebook updates to do, Remind messages to check and handle, etc. A lot of students have a lot of questions - how long is this going to last? Am I going to get to go to my senior prom? Are we going to be able to have a graduation ceremony? How are AP exams going to work? My answer has been the same from the beginning of this process --- we care about you and are here to support you, but we have to take things one day at a time - focus on right now - what we can control. Last Friday we thought we'd be out a week, maybe two. This Friday we know we're out at least four weeks. There are so many unknowns and so many things that we can't control. It's very, very, very frustrating for us and is equally so for our students.

 Went to switch out the laundry and realized that all of my laundry is all of it...I think I've entered the twilight zone...

Honesty right here...we didn't do much school work today. We did watch the replays of three of the meet and greet videos that the Cincinnati Zoo is doing on their FB page...but that's about it. 

 Rico the porcupine!

 Sihil the ocelot!

Moe the sloth! 

Then, we went outside and stayed outside for HOURS. It was sunny. The boys were playing. I did a little yard work. It was glorious! 

 Cherokee rose is blooming!

 So are the blueberry bushes!

 And the red buds!

 Wheel barrow fun...

 We came in for a snack and a train building...

 RF said that Daisy looked sad and wanted to go outside, so we collared up the beagles and went for a walk. 

Wandering the yard...

 A great message from our head Eagle this evening...I'm really lucky to work in his building...

 Hours outside have my allergies kicking up in force so dinner in bed for me it was...

RA made the boys dinner and they watched a movie together while I rested from the craziest week ever. 

One minute they are hitting each other and fighting like...brothers and the next minute they are giving each other hugs and verbally forgiving each other for being mean to the other. 

This week was one for the books, y'all. Never have I ever stayed in my house for seven straight days due to a pandemic. 

Stay safe, everyone. Cheers to a relaxing weekend and fingers crossed that week 2 goes well.