Thursday, March 19, 2020

Day Four --- Thursday, March 19

Day four...

RA worked from home today so it was really nice to have another set of hands, eyes, and ears to help wrangle our two kiddos. Being a full time stay-at-home mom + a Kindergarten/1st Grade teacher (totally not my background...) + a high school social studies teacher is tough.

 Our usual breakfast has gotten "boring" according to Ellis so we spiced it up a bit with blueberry muffins this morning. 

I went to work checking in with my students online pretty early and around 9:30 decided that I needed a snack, so I grabbed a granola bar and opened it up...

 And I got so busy with my work stuff + school work for the boys that I forgot about it...I took this photo at 11:46am...granola bar for lunch instead of snack, I suppose. 

After lunch I had the privilege (seriously - I was so excited about it) of attending my first virtual faculty meeting with my Eagle family and it was so wonderful to see all of my colleagues and hear their voices. It's only been four days, I know, but I miss my people. 

 The afternoon lesson plan had one task...soak up some Vitamin D. I lounged in the hammock while the boys played on the trampoline and in the treehouse. Thank goodness for some sunshine today. 

An afternoon workout for me, dinner, and family TV time made for a nice, calm evening. 

 While RF took a bath, Ellis and I listened to a read aloud book + a song that his teacher sent out this morning that was all about spring! 

 Japanese magnolia is blooming in the backyard!

Popsicles make it all better...

Today was a good day and I'm thankful for good days. 

Take care.