Thursday, March 26, 2020

Day Nine --- Thursday, March 26

Day nine (thirteen)...and it was a much better day. I think I'm hitting that 'I'm incredibly overwhelmed and need a break' point, but the situation is so bizarre and complex that taking a "break" is hard to do being stuck at home. So stinking bizarre...and overwhelming...but we're making it. One day at a time, right?

 We started our day with blueberry muffins...

 RF started on a few chores...

 While Ellis did some school work...

 And mama tried not to loose it at 10:00AM...

 A second Yeti full of coffee will get me through, no doubt. 

 Scrolling social media and I see this...WHY...

 Thankful that we have a guard beagle while we work on school work...thanks, Gus!

 Then Ellis did some chores...

 While RF did some school work...

 RA came home from work around lunchtime, so Ellis and I laid down to rest and enjoy the view of the blue sky and red bud tree from the bed...

 Ellis asked to tune in to the Cincinnati Zoo Home Safari so we checked out red pandas today!

 Aren't they cute???

 I looked over and found this little boy sound asleep. I decided to join him in a little rest while RA and RF hung out. It was perfect. 

After dinner together as a family, we decided to finish off the cake I recently made...

No need to dirty up more dishes, right? Everyone dig in!

Happy Friday Eve, my friends!