Monday, March 16, 2020

Day One --- Monday, March 16

Day one is clue how many more to go...

I started the day with about 7 minutes of silence from the time RA left for work to the time the boys woke up.
 Morning snuggles on the couch with their puppies...

We did a few chores (laundry, vacuuming, loading the dishwasher, etc.) before starting on the day's schoolwork. 

 Ellis practiced his sight words, read one of his books, and worked on both a math and a language arts lesson on an online program. 

 RF worked on spelling words, read one of his chapter books for 20 minutes, and worked on a math and language arts lesson on his online program. 

While the boys both worked on their school work, I made sure to check in with my students via our online platforms and my administration team via email. All is going well so far. This is a bizarre situation to be in and we are trying to figure it out as we go.

 The dogs did a great job holding down the couch while we were busy around the house...

I sent the boys outside to play for a while before making their lunch. After eating, they enjoyed a little iPad time while I ate my lunch. 

 Soup and an episode of NCIS...

The boys went back outside for a little while and I read on the back porch while listening to them imagine all sorts of crazy story lines. 

 Got a text that my FFF order had been delivered! Yay!

 Look at all of those goodies!


The boys came in for a snack and some LEGO building time, so I decided to paint my fingernails. 


I was feeling a little blah, so I decided to go ahead do a 45 minute weight routine since I can't go to the gym right now (kid zone is closed...). 

 Worked arms, legs, and core. I always feel a ton better after I work out. 

 After a shower I realized that I changed out of one pair of yoga pants and a tank top into another pair of yoga pants and a tank top...#comfortable

 An afternoon walk around the yard allowed me to see quite a few beauties in bloom...

 And more outside for these two boys...they love to be outside. 

I got a text from Ellis' teacher that she was going to read a book on FB Live to any student who wanted to watch. When I mentioned it to Ellis he got so excited! We watched as she read Llama Llama Red Pajama. She even said a personal hello to each student that was watching - Ellis was so happy when she said hello to him!

After dinner, we watched a re-play of an earlier FB Live event that the Cincinnati Zoo did about the hippos in their zoo. They are going to do a show each day where they get up close and personal with the animals so that students can see the behind the scenes stuff. RF and E both really liked it! 

It was a really long day, but a really good day. 

As overwhelming (see my previous post) as all of this is, it has been incredible to see everyone working together to try and make the best of the situation. 

Stay safe, my friends.