Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Day Seven --- Tuesday, March 24

Day seven (eleven).


It was glorious.

We didn't get up until 8:15. Then we leisurely had breakfast...and coffee...and another cup of coffee. Yawn...stretch...ok, now it's time to start the day.

I jumped in to checking in on my students to make sure that they were on track with all of their work  and that they were staying sane and calm. My seniors are stressed with all of the unknowns, so trying to keep them calm is my priority.

RF and E started working on their school work for the day for an hour or so before lunch. And I got to chat with some of my teacher friends via a video conference - it was so nice to see familiar faces and hear familiar voices. I miss my students and I miss my teacher friends.

Reading a book about sharks (go figure). :-)

As I was walking through our bedroom I realized RA left the candy that I got him for his office...not good...I will have to maintain self-restraint. I wanna eat the whole bag. 

After lunch I continued with checking in on students while the boys had some cartoon time. They worked on a little more school work before RA got home.

Reading another book - this one about whales...

Once RA was home, I turned the kiddos over to him and locked myself in a room for a good hour-long weight routine. I needed to decompress and sweat out some of my stress.

Earbuds are in, music is turned up, weights are ready...time to work out. 

The boys played outside while I cooked dinner, we ate together as a family, and I am now listening to RA read to them before bed. I intend on grabbing a glass of wine and binge watching Netflix shows for the rest of the evening. #mamaistired

When you're craving Chinese food, but don't want to go out and about...you search Pinterest and DIY it...YUM. 

Be safe, my friends.