Tuesday, April 14, 2020

Day Twenty-Two --- Tuesday, April 14

Day twenty-two (thirty-two)...


Whew. Today was non-stop. Work for me - Zoom meetings galore (in a good way), checking in on students, fielding phone calls and emails from colleagues, taking care of RA (he's down with a nasty cold/sinus infection), school work for the boys, breakfast, lunch, and dinner, dogs barking all over the place, laundry - it's getting mountain high again..., and taking a minute to breathe every so often.

 Starting my day off with a great video about teaching empathy to our kids...

 The boys started their day off with PE...mama needed a minute. 

 A big package arrived and two little boys were super excited! Team work makes the dream work. 

So excited about the new aircraft carrier! 

 RA is in bed sick, but he took a minute to play Pac-Man with Ellis...

 RF started his school work off with a little grammar from his teacher!

 Common and proper nouns practice...

 Science work for the day --- studying plants. 

 Now it's Ellis' turn --- starting with language arts and a rhyming lesson. 

 Then it's on to math...with Pete the Cat and using Kit Kats as our manipulatives...

After dinner I sent the boys to bed and I jumped on some more work and watching the daily speakers from The Whole Child Virtual Summit - SO GOOD! 

I hope everyone is doing well. Take care, my friends!