Monday, April 13, 2020

Day Twenty --- Friday, April 10

Day twenty (twenty-eight)...

It's the last day of Spring is on hold a little longer and hanging out together is the primary focus.
 He decided to join me for morning snuggles... 

 Sunshine = perfect weather for laying in the yard. 

 Helping with chores...

 While I was cleaning out our shed area, the boys decided to have a little sword (pool noodle) battle...

 Thank goodness for Target Drive Up - convenient, easy, and QUICK. I totally forgot to get Easter stuff, but now it's taken care of. 



My lumberjack working on our swing... 

 Cute, silly Easter bunny message for the boys!

 Yes, let's be kind to one another...

He's got a war wound...rough housing with his brother led to a scratched up chin...

Some family movie time and a yummy dinner before winding down and enjoying an evening reading in bed.