Thursday, December 5, 2013

Peace, Time, and Flood

A few days late on posting the advent photo-a-day as our house has been in the grips of all sorts of sickness - RA had a stomach bug and then I came down with strep. Thankfully, RF has not shown any symptoms of either, so we are keeping our fingers crossed that this round of yucky-ness is good and gone. 

Tuesday, December 3 - Peace 
One of the most peaceful times of my day is my drive across the bay each day with RF. He is usually quite subdued as he takes in the pretty colors of the sky as the sun rises. Sometimes we sing songs, sometimes we talk to each other, and sometimes we're just quiet. But no matter what we do, it is definitely one of the moments of my day where I truly feel at peace. Photos below are from our drive to school on Tuesday, December 3. 

Wednesday, December 4 - Time 
When we get home in the afternoons, RF is just itching to get down and play with his daddy. Once RA closes up the office for the afternoon, he comes down and spends some good quality time with his favorite little guy. Yay for daddy and baby boy time

Thursday, December 5 - Flood 
RF is a flood of smiles. He is a very happy little guy and lights up my day when he gives me that big ole' toothy smile. I can't stand it. He floods my heart with complete love and joy each time I see his grinning little face.