Friday, July 20, 2018

Happy 4th Birthday, Ellis!

Today, he turns 4 and I'll begin with a little walk down memory lane...



My sweet, silly, snugly little boy - you are a joy. An absolute joy.

You make me laugh, you make me smile, and you make my heart swell with pride when I see your kind spirit.

You give the sweetest kisses and the best 'squeeze hugs'. 

You love, love, love your brother (and you love, love, love to irritate him).

You are a daredevil and full of life.

You have gained so much independence this year - from fully potty-training, to being able to buckle your own harness on your car-seat, to fully verbalizing your emotions (of which you have lots...).

You will begin Pre-K in a few short weeks and your mama is so excited to see you learn and grow this year in big-kid school.

You are a treasure, a delight, and a perfect piece to our family puzzle.

Thank you for being you and thank you for bringing every possible ounce of love, excitement, and curiosity that wells up inside of you out into the open for all of us to see and enjoy.

Happiest of birthdays to you, sweet Ellie-Bellie.
Your mama, and daddy, and brother, and doggies love you a whole, whole, whole, whole bunch.
