Sunday, July 15, 2018

2018 - Week Twenty-Eight Photos

This week was our last full week together, so we made sure to enjoy it as much as possible!

Monday, July 9 - Resting

 After errands that included a trip to the grocery store my foot was super sore (nail in it last week...see 2018 - Week Twenty-Seven Photos for the story...). So, I spent the afternoon with it propped up while the boys built LEGOs. Notice the beginnings of the mantle in the background --- wanna guess Ellis's party theme for this year? :-)

Tuesday, July 10 - Hold Me...

This little man turns FOUR in a week and a half. Snuggles in mama's bed on a Tuesday morning...

Wednesday, July 11 - Hold Me, Again...

School supplies for RF are purchased, labeled, and packed into his book bag. How in the world is this my reality? I'm not ready for my baby to go to Kindergarten...not ready at all...

Thursday, July 12 - Lunch = Ice Cream

A rough day lead to an early nap-time for two little boys and ice cream for lunch for mama...

Friday, July 13 - Little Italy

 The boys and I made a trip to Athens for a bit of shopping + a walk around North Campus + a stop at mama's favorite pizza place - Little Italy...

Saturday, July 14 - LEGO Party Time!

Ellis's birthday mantle - LEGOS everywhere! Big LEGOs, a LEGO "E", LEGOs in mason jars, his party invitation, and LEGO creations - a robot, a pirate ship, a whale, a rocket, a house, a plane, a shark, and a dinosaur - courtesy of RF, and of course a LEGO banner to celebrate our big boy! A full blog post devoted to the day will be up soon. :-)

Sunday, July 15 - Rose of Sharon

Full bloom for the Rose of Sharon! Such a beautiful purple color...

The upcoming week includes the boys (and the dogs) spending the week with Nana and Babu in Perry as I head to Houston, TX for a conference and then next week is back to work as we usher in the 2018 - 2019 school year! Thanks for checking in on our family!