Sunday, June 30, 2019

New Year, New Challenge --- June 24 - June 30

A fun (albeit challenging) week for the boys and me. I really enjoy being home with them during the summer, but some days they step on Deep breaths...deep breaths...deep breaths...this too shall pass...this too shall pass...this too shall pass...#raisingkidsishardwork

52-Week Blog Challenge --- Week 26 -My Biggest Fears 
Definitely, 100% my biggest fear is something happening to my kids or husband. That mama bear instinct to protect is alive and well in my brain and heart. Social media exasperates my anxiety, so I've learned to not scroll through it nearly as much as I used to.

With that being said, I know that there is so much more good in the world than bad. Unfortunately, many times the bad/sad/traumatic/life-altering gets the media attention more than the good, so for me and my mental health I've slowly learned to back away and focus on the good that I have in my life. Don't get me wrong though, that anxiety rears it's ugly head every now and then (it happened this past week and I spent all night watching my kids sleep because I was so scared of something happening to them), but I've learned how to calm my anxieties better in the past few years.#workinprogress

Photos of Our Week

Monday, June 24

Another little harvest from our garden...

Tuesday, June 25

Seeing Toy Story 4...happy as a lark with his popcorn and Icee...

He loves movies!
Wednesday, June 26

They're cute, right? And sweet? Yea...30 seconds after taking this photo one of them sucker-punched the other...and ten minutes later one was bleeding from being scratched during a wrestling match...#lifewithboys
Thursday, June 27

Enjoying a nature walk at a local park...

Friday, June 28

Cool dudes ready for some summer pool-time fun!

Saturday, June 29

I love summer flowers and zinnias are one of my favorites...

Sunday, June 30

 No I'm not ready for school to be back in session next month, but our schedule is pretty busy between now and then, so I went ahead and got all of their school supplies and packed them so that we're ready to go to Open House...

 This is the only way I could keep straight what each kid needed...

 Kindergarten supplies for Ellis...cue the tears...

And 1st grade supplies for RF...

Looking forward to a fun week hanging out with Nana and celebrating the Fourth of July!