Sunday, June 2, 2019

New Year, New Challenge --- May 27 - June 2

Hallelujah! School is out for summer break! And all the teachers said, "AMEN!"

Lots of lazy days, popsicles, pool splashing, and family adventures are on the list of things to do with our 8 1/2ish weeks off and we are going to enjoy every bit, because come August I'll have TWO kids in big-kid school (cue the tears...).

52-Week Blog Challenge --- Week 22 - Unforgettable Days In My Life 
Four days come to mind...

June 10, 2005 - The day I met him...
One of my best girlfriends from high school married one of his best guy friends from high school. I was a bridesmaid and he was a groomsman. And the rest is history, folks. :-)

June 23, 2007 - The day I married him...
I've never been more sure of anything in my life. I knew he was the one. When we re-watch our wedding video (which we do every year on our anniversary) I can't help but notice how calm and confident I was - not nervous, not scared, not teary-eyed (although there's nothing wrong with crying at weddings), but I was sure that the decision I was making was the right one. He's my person.

October 24, 2012 - The day we became parents and welcomed Robert Franklin into the family...
No one can prepare you for the emotional roller coaster that is pregnancy and child birth. No one. Not your mama, not your best friend that had a baby recently, not the 146 pregnancy and child birth related books you've read since you first saw the positive pregnancy test. I labored for 24 hours and pushed for 2.5 hours, but when our eyes met and when I saw RA lock eyes with Robert Franklin for the first time, the world was perfect and I understood one of my most important purposes on this planet.

July 20, 2014 - The day we became parents of two kiddos and welcomed Joseph Ellis into the family...
Again, no one can prepare you for child birth the second time around, although you feel like you've got it because you've done this before, right? Not at all accurate for me. Ellis's pregnancy and delivery were polar opposites of Robert Franklin's, but one thing was exactly the same --- the moment our eyes met and when I saw RA lock eyes with Ellis for the first time, the world was, again, perfect and I was reminded of one of my most important purposes on this planet. And then seeing Ellis lock eyes with his big brother...what a day - definitely a day like no other.

Photos of Our Week

Monday, May 27 

Mad that he got out in our afternoon baseball game...

Tuesday, May 28 

Cooling off in the pool after a fun day at Aggie Academy - an agriculture camp!

Wednesday, May 29 

He had so much fun yesterday at camp that he was up and ready at 7AM today for camp.

Thursday, May 30 

Just hanging with mama in the hammock talking and listening to the birds...

Friday, May 31 

Beating the summer heat with a nap on the couch...

Saturday, June 1 

Spending my birthday weekend (celebrating the big 3-4) with RA at a bed and breakfast in the north GA mountains. That 85 foot waterfall was RIGHT outside of our bedroom window and the temperatures were so nice that we slept with the windows open and heard the falls all night. It was so peaceful and relaxing. 

Sunday, June 2 
Taking in the view from Black Rock Mountain State Park before heading home. :-)

I'm home long enough today to unpack the car from one trip and re-pack it for a week long trip to Alabama. The boys are hanging in Perry with Nana and Babu while I travel to Fairhope to lead a training week for teachers. Thanks for checking in on us and we hope you are have a wonderful week!