Sunday, October 14, 2018

2018 - Week Forty-One Photos

FALL BREAK! Woo-hoo!

Monday, October 8 --- Road Trip!

Feet on the dash as RA and I head to spend a few days in the North GA mountains...

Tuesday, October 9 --- Walking Through the Forest...

Hiking our way to DeSoto Falls...

Wednesday, October 10 --- Hocus Pocus

We made it back from dinner in time to watch Hocus Pocus on our last night in Dahlonega. We had a really great trip. :-)

Thursday, October 11 --- Hurricane Michael

Mr. Joe and Mrs. Margie had damage at their house from Hurricane Michael. Luckily, they were in Covington with the boys and the dogs when this happened, but there was extensive damage well into middle GA from the power of this storm.

Friday, October 12 --- Scarecrows and an Inflatable Turkey

The first cool, fall nip in the air and I bust out my outdoor decorations. The boys and I spent time putting up our scarecrows, pumpkins, and our inflatable turkey (the boys are obsessed with inflatables...).

Saturday, October 13 --- Sunset in the Hammock

 While RA bathed the boys and read to them before bedtime, I retreated to the hammock to watch the sunset...

Sunday, October 14 ---Travel More!

We are content not to have the nicest of "things", but we love, love, love to travel and experience new places and see beautiful/historic sites. These framed prints are from a series found here. Each time we visit a national park RA orders the print and makes the frame. These four are my favorites. :-)

Cheers to a new week and a busy one it will be for the Hawk family with spin classes for mommy, cub scouts for RF, an event at RF's school, and the beginning of Homecoming festivities for EHS!