Tuesday, March 25, 2014


That's the place this little boy wants to be ALL. THE. TIME. He doesn't care if it's raining, although he's not a huge fan of thunder. He doesn't care if mosquitoes are out, although mama coats him in California Baby Bug Repellent. He doesn't care if it's getting dark or time to eat or time to take a bath - he just wants to be outside. So, mama sets up her folding chair with camera in hand and let's him run free in the backyard. And he's happy. Really, really happy.

Mr. Joe and Mrs. Margie were in town last weekend and RF spent Friday and Saturday playing outside with both of them. He only came inside to take a nap and eat lunch, although I took his dinner outside to him and he sat in my lap to eat it because he was not ready to come in just yet.

I love that he loves the outside. I love that he is intrigued and amazed by nature. I love that he can identify the grass, the wind, birds, the flag, his sand box, his rake, his shovel, and the list goes on and on.

A recap of the last few weeks…notice how many photos are taken…yep, you guessed it - OUTSIDE! :-)

Helping daddy water the plants...

I had just asked him if he was ready to come inside to eat dinner…he was not interested. 

Running, running, running with the breeze blowing in his hair. 

We met Papa Tad at Murphy High School on Saturday afternoon to fly the drone again. 

Me and Joseph Ellis with Mr. Joe (Joseph) and Papa Tad (Ellis) 

Running to Nana…

Helping Nana and Babu set up his sandbox...

Oh, boy, Babu - more sand! 

Mowing (or as he calls it 'vacuuming') the yard...

Daddy was getting ready to start a fire, so RF decided to help. 

Let me show you how you do it, Babu. 

Three generations of Hawk men playing in the sand box...

Just reading a book on the way home from school…

An ant caught RF's eye Sunday afternoon on the back porch so he knelt down and followed it for a while...

Babu built me a sand box, mama. WOW! 

Nana and Babu took RF out and about to lunch and Lowe's on Friday while mama and daddy were working…they came home with a big, big flag for RF. He LOVES it. 

Diggin' for wiggle worms - earthworms. RF thought they were the funniest thing. 

Helping Nana get the pot ready to plant the green beans...

Rough-housing with daddy on Saturday evening…can't wait to add another boy into this mix!