Tuesday, March 18, 2014

18 weeks + 1 day...

Wishful thinking, indeed - a day late with the weekly post again.

How far along? 18 weeks on March 17 

Baby is the size of…a SWEET POTATO!

Maternity Clothes: Bella Band + long shirts = one happy mama in the maternity clothes department.

Stretch Marks: Same as last week…nothing new.

Sleep: Sleeping pretty well still. Just the usual tossing and turning to get comfortable.

Best Moment Last Week: Our nightly routine consists of RF taking a bath, getting his pajamas on and then we sit down and watch a few minutes of Sesame Street while he drinks his glass of milk. Then we go upstairs to his room and he and I have our mama-baby boy time together. We sit in his rocking chair and sing or I whisper to him while he drifts off to sleep. He has recently started holding my hand during this time and it makes my heart smile so big. I love, love, love that little boy and am so excited for him to be a big brother! 

Movement: LOTS of flutters! :-)

Food cravings: Still having a major craving for Olive Garden salad and breadsticks…will have to try and hold off on that one because I'm pretty sure I would eat a whole basket of breadsticks myself. 

Gender: Still no clue, although everyone is starting to weigh in with their thoughts.  Hoping that Baby #2 will cooperate Friday for our gender ultrasound! 

Labor Signs: Nope

Belly Button – in or out? In

Wedding Rings – on or off? On 

What I Miss: Not being out of breath after simple activities. A few times this week I have had to stop mid-way up our stairs because I was so out of breath. Not sure what that's about, but it is getting really annoying. 

What I Am Looking Forward To: Gender ultrasound on Friday! YAY!!! 

Milestones: Laying in bed at night and feeling all the movement of Baby #2. I can't feel it from the outside yet, but it is so sweet to know that I get to share these moments with the baby before anyone else. So happy being a mama! :-)

Baby Hawk #2 @ 18 weeks + 1 day…