Friday, June 28, 2013


I have never, ever, ever liked summer. It's hot. It's sticky. And to be honest, by the end of June I am bored.

Enter --- Robert Franklin. He's made summer such a fun time for me (kind of like the same way he's made me in to a morning person). From splish-splashing in the pool, storytime with friends, napping, and trips to the grocery store (which he likes almost as much as the pool and library).

Today we stayed home (heat index of 106, no thank you) and spent time...
Petting UGA - he absolutely loves this dog. Every-time he catches a glimpse of it, he makes a bee-line towards it. 

Helping mama prepare for her new teaching assignment next year --- AP World History. We are watching Mankind: The Story of All of Us --- today's episode detailed the rise of the use of iron tools and the expansion of the Roman Empire. 

Crawling --- he's actually crawling now. Not the army crawl that he has been doing for so long, but on his hands and knees scooting across the floor. Another milestone --- they're happening too fast... 

This weekend's movie selection is Toy Story. We watched a few minutes this evening after dinner. Movies (and TV in general) doesn't hold RF's attention for very long (thank goodness). We don't want RF watching TV all the time, but a kid movie every now and then won't hurt.

I am free from work obligations until July 9, so we plan on spending more time just hanging out as mama and son. And I am planning a little project for this weekend for RF and a bigger project for next week, so look for a blog post (depending on how they both go) sometime later this weekend and then again next week.