Friday, June 14, 2013

Second Week of Summer

1. Our rough and tumble ouchie turned in to a full-blown ER visit last Thursday evening. A few hours after he hit his head, RF started vomiting (sign of concussion), so we made the decision to take him to our after-hours urgent care. On the way there, RF got sick again to the point where he couldn't breathe he was dry-heaving so much, so our after-hours plan quickly morphed into an emergency situation so we headed for the nearest ER. Our ER experience was not in any way the most pleasant, nor was the CAT scan. Although, in his time of fear - as he was quite vocal about his dislike of the CAT scan machine and being scared, tired and hungry - he did say, "Mama". Dr. believed it to be a mild (very mild) concussion. We learned a  number of things through this experience.

A. Have an "If there's an emergency, where do we go?" plan in place.
B. ER's are gross...really gross.
C. According to the pediatrician that saw us, the front part of the skull is stronger than other parts of the skull.
D. Also according to the pediatrician that saw us, vomiting can occur in children after an accident - their system is thrown in to a little shock-type situation.

2. More story-time at the library. RF loves story-time - I think it is partly the SUPER animated children's librarian that reads and sings with them, but hey, it's good for him on many levels to participate in story-time.

3. Crawling - he has made it to his hands and knees and has begun to really try moving in that position. I have couple of videos of him really, really trying (and getting a little ticked that he can't do it yet). I cannot wait to show them to him one day. So funny.

4. Dogs - the dogs have become even more interesting to him this week. When he is on the floor and spots one of them he takes off army-crawling in their direction. Gracie and Lucky are more patient with him and Charlie is still his old stick-in-the-mud grumpy self so he tends to walk away (quite quickly) when he sees RF headed his way.

5. His walker - He can now scoot around the house in his walker at lightening speed. He has figured out how to go forwards, backwards and even turn himself around when he gets stuck. The dogs are not a fan of the walker as he tends to try and chase them down our main hallway. 

Petting UGA...

6. Outside/Water - If it wasn't so darn hot, I'd let him hang outside more, but it is sweltering already. We've spent a lot of time on the front porch in the late afternoon/early evening as the sun is behind us. We usually take him outside in his walker, block off the steps and let him roam around the porch - he thinks he is big and bad. He still loves the water, too. We've spent time splashing in the washtub in the backyard, taking splish-splashing baths, and even playing in a puddle of water that spilled out of a cup on the kitchen floor.
Water, mama...

Watching it rain with daddy...