Monday, June 17, 2013

RA's First Father's Day

RF and I let daddy sleep in on Sunday as we set out on an adventure --- it was 6:00AM and we were on a mission --- bring back breakfast for daddy --- his favorite breakfast --- Krispy Kreme Doughnuts.

We were successful in our quest and once he woke up RA enjoyed his coffee and a few 'Hot Nows' --- YUMMY!
Warm doughnuts and RA's Father's Day presents --- a photo book, a collage of RF and RF's 2nd piece of artwork - a handprint monkey (one of RA's nicknames for RF)

Exploring on the front porch - actually I think he had just chased one of the dogs in to a corner...

We all spent the morning at home enjoying each other's company before heading to lunch at T.P. Crockmeier's with Papa Tad, Lola, Aunt Hartley, Uncle Michael and Aunt Haydn. The afternoon was spent napping (a favorite Hawk family activity) and spending some time outside. RF enjoyed time on the porch in his walker and was mesmerized by the present Meme brought him --- his very own tricycle. I am sure he will be riding down the sidewalk before we know it.

What is this, mama? And how does it work? 

A daddy and his little boy... 

We hope you had a wonderful First Father's Day, RA --- RF and I love you to the moon and back. :-)