Thursday, October 24, 2019

Happy 7th Birthday, Robert Franklin!

Robert Franklin, 

Seven years ago today, you made us parents...

Six years ago today, you turned one...

Five years ago today, you turned two...

Four years ago today, you turned three...

Three years ago today, you turned four...

Two years ago today, you turned five...

One year ago today, you turned six...

And you turn seven years old...

My how time flies...

You are sweet, and funny, and oh-so energetic. 

You are kind, and helpful, and full of curiosity. 

When you make a mistake, you own up to it. And when you want to know more about a topic, you'll study it until you're practically an expert. 

You still love to be outside and are incredibly imaginative. 

You are becoming a big kid right before my eyes and while you may not need me to help you get dressed, or brush your teeth, or pour your glass of milk, you will always be my little boy. 

We love you, Robert Franklin Hawk. You are so special and so incredibly loved. 

Happy, Happy, Happy Birthday, buddy!