Sunday, August 25, 2019

New Year, New Challenge --- August 19 - August 25

Third full week of school --- check! Ready to conquer the fourth full week as it leads us into a much needed three-day weekend!

52-Week Blog Challenge --- Week 34 - My OCD Habits
I'm not completely OCD about anything really. My house looks like it is lived in - sometimes there are piles of laundry (many times there are piles of laundry), sometimes there are dishes piled up in the sink, the baseboards need cleaning + re-painting, the kids have a messy, played-in room, and there's dog hair everywhere because we have dogs that shed all - the - time. My car is pretty much the same story.

A few pet peeves of mine though...
- laundry that gets thrown down next to the laundry hamper instead of into the laundry hamper
- dirty dishes that get set down next to the sink instead of put into the sink or into the dishwasher
- snack wrappers that get left lying around instead of put into the trash can
...I think you get the drives me nuts, but in the grand scheme of things, I think we're doing pretty good.

Photos of Our Week

Monday, August 19 

Being silly in the backseat of daddy's car while we have the oil changed...

Tuesday, August 20 

Holy moly...look at that sweet, toothy grin...hard to believe that baby will be seven years old in two months...

Wednesday, August 21 

Doing a little economic systems categorization in my senior Economics class...

Thursday, August 22 

Active, isn't she? 

Friday, August 23 

Ready to celebrate Friday in their spirit shirts!

Saturday, August 24 

My view all day Saturday...I've managed to pick up the nasty cold that the boys had last week...

Sunday, August 25 

The okra in our garden is producing TONS this year...we can't pick it fast RA decided to pick some early this morning and go ahead and fry it while it was cool outside (65 here this morning when we woke up) while he also cooked our Sunday tradition of sausage gravy and biscuits. 

Cheers to a great week, friends!