Sunday, August 11, 2019

New Year, New Challenge - August 5 - August 11

We survived our first full week of both kids in school! And we've welcomed our first cold of the school year into our home with both E and RF sneezy and snotty...yuck.

52-Week Blog Challenge --- Week 32 - The Best Part of Each Season 
Spring - Flowers in bloom
Summer - Time off from work to spend with my family
Fall - Cozy sweaters and warm fires
Winter - Snow! It's not often that we see snow in GA, but when we do I LOVE IT!

Photos of Our Week

Monday, August 5

With two kids in school, I set up a homework station so that everything the boys need is within arms reach. 

Tuesday, August 6 

Working on first grade sight words - only a few that he doesn't know! 

Wednesday, August 7 

Zinnias are blooming in the backyard! 

Thursday, August 8 

Some afternoons call for wine in a mason jar...

Friday, August 9 

That is a stuffed animal opossum...however, our Friday morning began with Gus bringing in a LIVE, REAL baby opossum and dropping it on the floor in our living room. The rascal was so proud of himself and the lovely gift that he brought to his mama that his tail was just a wagging! Luckily, RA had not yet left for work and was able to get it out of the house. A opossum, y'all! 

Saturday, August 10 

We were supposed to head down to Lake Blackshear for the family reunion, but Ellis was up and down all night Friday night coughing and sneezing. Saturday morning revealed a fever, so resting on the couch was the order of the day for my littlest one. 

Sunday, August 11

It was a tough week, but I spent some time reminding myself of all of the things in my life that I'm thankful for while working on to-do lists and lesson plans for the upcoming week. 

Thanks for checking in on our little family! Have a great week!