Sunday, September 16, 2018

2018 - Week Thirty-Seven Photos

After a weekend of traveling (full recap of our trip to Mobile is here), we kept things pretty simple this week in the Hawk house. :-) With no travel on our calendars for at least the next three weeks, we are excited about some down time at home as a family.

Monday, September 10 - Pre-Workout Smiles

Big smiles from Ellis as we were headed into the gym...

Tuesday, September 11 - Blast From the Past

As I wandered a local consignment sale to pick up clothes for winter for the boys, I stopped by the book section as RF is in the beginning stages of learning to read. This caught my eye. I read ALL of the Boxcar children books growing up - such great memories. 

Wednesday, September 12 - Spider Lily

 The old wives tale is that spider lilies are the sign that fall is starting. Apparently these little guys are confused because it is still BLAZING hot in Georgia.

Also, Happy Proposal Anniversary to RA and I - twelve years ago today he asked me to be his wife. :-)

And, today is my dad's 60th birthday - Happy Birthday, Papa - we love you! 

Thursday, September 13 - LEGOs

 I really, really love the creative things they build with LEGOS...

 I do not love that this is what my living room floor looks like most afternoons...

Friday, September 14 - Back the Blue

 In honor of Officer Matt Cooper (a local police officer who was seriously injured in the line of duty on Labor Day), we wore blue on Friday to support him in his recovery. We love our first responders and greatly appreciate the sacrifices that they (and their families) make every single day. 

Saturday, September 15 - Saturday Morning Goodness

We went all out in the Hawk house Saturday morning - pancakes, eggs, and bacon are a great way to start the day! 

Sunday, September 16 - His New Spot 

Gus doesn't leave my side when I'm home. He has found a new spot that is right next to my chair. As I drank my coffee this morning, I was trying to figure out why he decided that this was his new go-to spot and then I realized that he is laying in the direct path, about three feet away, from one of our floor air conditioner vents. 

Thanks for checking in on our family - we hope everyone has a great week!