Sunday, September 23, 2018

2018 - Week Thirty-Eight Photos

This past week was a simple, yet busy one for the Hawk family with something on our calendar every day except Friday (other than work/school, of course). A recap is below.

Monday, September 17 - Pre-K Open House

 Big smiles from Ellis as we attended his Pre-K Open House to see all of amazing things he is learning this year in big kid school!

Tuesday, September 18 - Cub Scouts

RF is participating in our local Cub Scout den/pack and got to build a catapult + is learning the Boy Scout Oath, Law, and Motto. He is having so much fun in Cub Scouts and while it makes for a late night for us on Tuesdays (meeting lasts from 7pm - 8pm, so it's usually 8:30/8:45 before he's in bed), it is worth it to see him enjoying himself and developing such positive relationships with other kids his age outside of school. 

Wednesday, September 19 - Homecoming Plans

Fall in high schools = football and HOMECOMING. I'm in charge of the Homecoming Dance and this is what my board currently looks like as the Student Government Association officers and representatives work to plan and execute both the dance and spirit week. So much work on my part, but so worth it to see their ideas come to life and to see them making such great high school memories.

Thursday, September 20 - Kindergarten is Exhausting...

He is getting so big! And kindergarten is exhausting - in a good way! Each afternoon as we pick up Ellis, he usually takes a little cat nap.

Friday, September 21 - Christmas in September?

There's a Hallmark movie being filmed in Covington right now, so RF and I swung by one of the downtown sites, the Methodist church, to snap a photo Friday morning before school. RF thought it was so cool and said, "Our town is famous, mama!"

Saturday, September 22 - Holding Hands

Saturday morning snuggles and holding hands with's the best when they, without prompting, crawl up into your lap...

Sunday, September 23 - Coffee

Coffee is a BIG part of life in the Hawk house...multiple cups...everyday...all year long...
Right next to our coffee maker, Mr. Hawk framed a photograph from a John Wayne movie (The Quiet Man, I think) where he's drinking a cup of coffee with his sweetheart. We also found mini-American Roast Coffee cans from 1943 that show Norman Rockwell's Four Freedoms (you can see the original paintings up close here). We had the privilege of visiting the Normal Rockwell Museum in Stockbridge, Massachusetts in 2012 when we were on our BabyMoon. :-)

This last week of September is pretty calm for us, which we will really enjoy as October through December is filled with events, birthdays, day trips, and enjoying the holidays together. :-)