Sunday, August 26, 2018

2018 - Week Thirty-Four Photos

Another great week and weekend in the Hawk house! The next two weeks are a bit busy and the weekends involve some traveling as we're gearing up for some adventures and some FUN!

Monday, August 20 - Best Monday Ever

When one of your students walks in on a Monday morning with homemade cupcakes, you know it's going to be a great day. I devoured one and let the boys split the other one. They were delicious!

Motivational Monday quote on my letter board at school for the week was...
"You can't have a positive life with a negative mind." 

Tuesday, August 21 - RF's First School Library Book

He was so excited to be able to bring his first school library book home! His daddy read it to him and his brother before bed and he spent some time looking for his sight words in it as well. I cannot believe my baby is working on learning to read. 

Wednesday, August 22 - Morning Conversations

After getting ready for school, Ellis decided to lay down and chat with Gus. He told Gus that he was headed to school and then asked Gus what he was going to do today at home...he loves his puppies...

Thursday, August 23 - Big Helper 

In the afternoons, the custodial staff begins cleaning the classrooms on my hall as RF is hanging out in my classroom before we leave to go get Ellis. RF saw our custodian emptying the trash from each classroom and decided to help her. He emptied the trash in the classrooms while she swept and tidied up. He has such a kind heart.

Friday, August 24 - A Great Week

 The proof is in the agenda! RF's teacher makes a notation in his agenda each day to let us know how his day was. Five days of smiley faces make this mama happy. :-)

Saturday, August 25 - Pink Rose

When your husband brings you a pink rose off of one of your rose bushes in the yard... :-)

Sunday, August 26 - Gracie Day!

 Eleven years ago today this sweet girl came into our lives! She has the heart of an angel. 

A busy week is upon us with a few classes at the gym for Mama, a Cub Scouts meeting for RF (he decided last week he wants to join), and then Aunt Hartley comes in town on Friday to hang with the boys while RA and I head out of town for the Labor Day weekend. 

Our family hopes you have a fantastic week, friends!