Sunday, April 1, 2018

2018 - Week Thirteen Photos

It's almost Spring Break.

It's almost Spring Break.

It's almost Spring Break.

The chant of a teacher (of any and all grade/age levels) in springtime...

Monday, March 26 --- Talent

Talent. Along with some trial and error. But, he did such a great job on it!


Tuesday, March 27 --- Surprise

When I came back into my classroom after lunch on Tuesday, I found an envelope under my door with this note inside.  It's always a good day when a student takes the time to tell you how much they appreciate the work you do. #worthit

Wednesday, March 28 --- Something That Catches Your Eye

My sister is having a BOY! I sent her a little care package and asked RA to put postage on it for me. Good grief. Can you tell he loves stamps?

Thursday, March 29 --- Together

Sweet brothers. A little cartoon time (Yay for The Magic School Bus on Netflix!) while waiting on their breakfast before school on Thursday. 

Friday, March 30 --- Dessert

Ice cream cone for dessert before dinner for successfully making it through the week before Spring Break. So excited for a nine day break to gear me up for finishing the 17-18 academic year strong. :-)

Saturday, March 31 --- The Weather

An absolutely GORGEOUS day in Covington! 

Sunday, April 1 --- Easter

The Hawk Family, Easter 2018 
I am a complete push over for boys in seersucker + bow ties. :-)

This week is FINALLY Spring Break for me, so I have intentions of getting quite a few projects done around the house as we gear up to push towards summertime FUN!