Sunday, April 22, 2018

2018 - Week Sixteen Photos

After a weekend with a house full of family (last weekend), this week was a quiet one for RA and I as the boys spent the week at Nana and Babu's house for their Spring Break. I had a pretty lengthy to-do list to handle while they're gone, but I had a feeling I'm was going to choose to forgo working on the to-do list in favor of catching up on rest.

*Spoiler alert...I didn't accomplish many tasks on the to-do list, but I did catch up on rest and binge watched some of my favorite shows on TV. :-)

Monday, April 16 - Page of a Book

I've gotten a lot of reading done, completely caught up on laundry (didn't know that was possible for a mama of two little boys), and plan to take quite a few after-work naps in the coming days.

Tuesday, April 17 - First

Nana and Babu took the boys fishing at Mrs. Margie's sisters house on Lake Blackshear and they caught their FIRST FISH!
So proud of them! By the end of the night they had caught 10 total. Although, RF was quite upset that they couldn't take the fish back to Nana's house and put them in her aquarium. 

Wednesday, April 18 -Working Hard

Mr. Joe has a good friend that owns a farm not too far from their house, so he and RF headed over to "work" for a few hours. The "work" for RF involved getting to ride along side Mr. Bucky in one of their tractors! I'm sure he talked Mr. Bucky's ear off with a million questions, but he had the best time.

Thursday, April 19 - Day Trip

Mr. Joe and Mrs. Margie took the boys down to have a play-date with some of their cousins, a family of four more BOYS! RF and E really enjoyed getting to spend time playing with them. They played at home, went to a baseball game, visited a local park, and ended the evening with a little Chick-Fil-A for dinner. I love seeing them having such fun experiences when they are on a break from school.

Friday, April 20 - Amusing

 A little history teacher humor. My students send me funny memes all the time...

Saturday, April 21 - Reunion

So happy to see these boys! 

Mama missed her little guys!

Sunday, April 22 - Home-Grown Flowers

Seven Sisters Roses from our side yard...

Thanks for checking in on our family via our little space on the interwebs. :-)