Monday, June 30, 2014

33 Weeks

How far along? 33 weeks on June 30 

Joseph Ellis is the size of…a DURIAN FRUIT (whatever the heck that is…)!

Maternity Clothes: If it were socially acceptable to spend time scantily-clad while pregnant, I think I would do it. I'm getting to the point where tank tops, shorts and flowy dresses aren't enough to keep me cool…yay for the Mobile summer…just, yay.

Stretch Marks: Same old, same old.

Sleep: Not the greatest right now. Experiencing some pretty intense hip pain the last few nights. No matter which side I sleep on, I find myself being completely uncomfortable within a few minutes and end up flipping back to the other side. This process repeats itself about fifty times a night…fun, fun, fun.

Best Moment Last Week: RA and RF reading Polar Bear, Polar Bear. Well, RF was really telling RA the story instead of RA reading it word for word. RF can identify all of the animals in the book (even the leopard, the flamingo, and the peacock) and when you get to the end of the book he says, "Again." We usually end up reading the book five or six times before he is ready to move on to something else.

Movement: JE's movements have gotten to the point where they hurt. Not everytime he moves, but more often than not he will give me a good kick or jab that isn't super comfortable.

Food cravings: Pizza. I've really been craving pizza this week - haven't indulged yet, but I may not last too much longer. 

Gender: It's a BOY! 

Labor Signs: Same old, same old.

Belly Button – in or out? Out 

Wedding Rings – on or off? Back-up wedding band only. 

What I Miss: Back to really, really, really missing my coffee. I was on my way to work last week and found myself wishing I had a little cup of joe to savor during my 10 minute silent car ride that I get between the time I drop RF off at school and the time I arrive at school. Again, just a few more weeks...

What I Am Looking Forward To: Completing a few nursery projects and hopefully (next weekend) getting things moved in and set up for JE. 

Milestones: July is the last full month of us being a family of three. Come August, our lives will drastically change. Wow…only a few more weeks.

JE at 33 weeks…
Feeling uber-large right now…really, really large…

RF enjoying a homemade yogurt popsicle…trying to stay cool in this heat. 

Who knew multi-colored popsicle sticks could be so entertaining. RF was really quiet one afternoon - usually a tell-tale sign that he is in to something he shouldn't be - and this is how I found him. 

We were playing with the iPad one afternoon and I asked RF to show me his teeth. He grinned really big to show me his pearly whites. 

Too much cuteness for one photo. RF found one of RA's hats by the front door, put it on and proceeded to walk all over the house saying, "Daddy's hat on head".

We enjoyed a play-date last week with a friend at Kangarooz in Spanish Fort and this is the best photo I took of RF - he was all over the place - more proof of his amazing energy level.