Tuesday, June 10, 2014

30 Weeks

How far along? 30 weeks on June 9 

Joseph Ellis is the size of…a CUCUMBER!

Maternity Clothes: Same. I've spent most of the past week in flowy dresses trying to keep cool in this already miserable Mobile heat.

Stretch Marks: Same.

Sleep: Spoke too soon on the sleep issues last week. RF has had a rough week of sleeping - tossing and turning so much that he has spent the last three nights in our bed so that we could all get some sleep. Not sure if it's a sleep regression, a new developmental stage, teething, allergies, etc., but mama is definitely missing her consistent 10+ straight hours without interruption.

Best Moment Last Week: Mrs. Margie arrived in Mobile on Friday afternoon and accompanied me to pick RF up from school. As soon as he saw me in his classroom window he started grinning and then when Nana peeked her head around the corner, he dropped what he was doing and ran (seriously, he ran) with his arms held up over to her saying, "Nana! Nana! Nana!" It was the sweetest thing. He LOVES his Nana.

Movement: All over the place all the time! 

Food cravings: Lemonade. I want lots and lots of lemonade. 

Gender: It's a BOY! 

Labor Signs: Normal BH contractions, but nothing more.

Belly Button – in or out? Out 

Wedding Rings – on or off? Back-up wedding band only 

What I Miss: Being nausea-free. The nausea is back with a vengeance and I am not enjoying it at all. I have tried to take it easy and let it pass, but with a 19-month old running around, I'm having to grin and bear it most of the time. 

What I Am Looking Forward To: Completing some projects for JE's nursery. I've started working on a few of the little homemade elements and am slowly getting things ready to be set up in his room. Luckily, there's not a ton that has to be done other than moving out some furniture that is currently in the room and moving in JE's crib, changing table and armoire. Hopefully I'll be able to get some things done steadily over the next few weeks. 

Milestones: I believe I have entered the uncomfortable stage. I'm feeling swollen, tired and nauseas. 10 more weeks to go!

JEH @ 30 weeks + 1 Day…
Looking ROUGH in this photo…I think the sleeping issues are catching up to me.