Tuesday, May 6, 2014

25 Weeks.

How far along? 25 weeks on May 5 

Joseph Ellis is the size of…a CAULIFLOWER!

Maternity Clothes: Still relying on dresses to keep me comfortable.

Stretch Marks: Nothing new.

Sleep: Solid sleep is nice. Really, really nice. RF is still sleeping well (in his big boy bed, I might add) and I am enjoying 9-10 hours each night, too. Trying to be sure to rest as much as possible right now as I am already starting to swell and feel some more BH contractions.

Best Moment Last Week: RF kissing my belly while patting it and saying, "Ellis." He is the cutest thing and I know he will be a great big brother.

Movement: Movin', movin', movin' - I love it. 

Food cravings: Back on wanting Olive Garden. And sweets. And a coke. 

Gender: It's a BOY! 

Labor Signs: Nope. 

Belly Button – in or out? It has begun sticking out. Not a full outie just yet, but we are well on our way. 

Wedding Rings – on or off? Wedding band only. Definitely wedding band only. It's fitting fine, but I'm kind of sad that I already can't wear my engagement ring and anniversary band. 

What I Miss: A calm schedule. As the end of the school year is upon us I am having slight panic attacks with all of the goings-on. It seems that every day between now and May 23 I have something before school, during my "lunch" (20 minutes), planning block or after school. Some days I have things during all four of those times. I really hate hectic schedules. I want calmness back. Go to work, pick up my little boy and come home. Just 13 more days…just 13 more days...

What I Am Looking Forward To: Dr. appt. on Wednesday and getting to hear JE's heartbeat again. Although I also have to do my glucose test…boo. 

Milestones: Another successful road trip while pregnant with an 18-month old, three dogs and a husband. We had a great time in GA and are looking forward to our next visit.

JEH @ 25 weeks… 
Looking kind of rough - out of town all weekend + sick = one not feeling 100% mama.