Tuesday, May 20, 2014

27 Weeks + What We've Been Up To Lately...

How far along? 27 weeks on May 19 

Joseph Ellis is the size of…a RUTABAGA!

Maternity Clothes: Still sticking with dresses, skirts and tank tops.

Stretch Marks: Pretty sure some new stretch marks are popping up. I feel like JE is carrying differently from RF, so it doesn't surprise me to see a few new ones.

Sleep: Going well still. RF is rocking the sleeping in a big boy bed thing. He goes to bed about 7pm and has been sleeping until about 5:30am or so most mornings.

Best Moment Last Week: Swimming in Papa Tad and Lola's pool with RF on Sunday. We only swam for about 45 minutes because the water was a bit chilly, but that didn't stop my little boy. He loves the water. We are heading down to the beach for the first time this weekend and I cannot wait to see how RF reacts to seeing the sand and the waves.

Movement: Still letting me know he's in there and doing just fine - lots of kicks and jabs. 

Food cravings: Still hungry - just still hungry. My kids are having a Cultural Exchange (AP World History way of saying class party) tomorrow and Wednesday. Really hoping I don't embarrass myself by eating more than they do. 

Gender: It's a BOY! 

Labor Signs: Feeling more BH contractions this week. Definitely feel them more on the weekends when I am doing a lot more playing, chasing, picking up RF.

Belly Button – in or out? OUT. 

Wedding Rings – on or off? Wedding band only, still. 

What I Miss: Being able to sleep on my stomach. Thank goodness for body pillows, but I sleep so much better on my stomach...

What I Am Looking Forward To: Summer - time to relax, spend time as a family of three and nest. I probably should also get JE's nursery ready…yea, I really should get on that. 

Milestones: This is the last week of the second trimester - WOW! JE will be here before we know it!

JE @ 27 weeks + 1 day. 
Look at the size of that belly, folks - it's huge! 

What We've Been Up To Lately…
Helping daddy measure sheetrock...

Playing in his pool - raking the water - because everyone rakes the water, right? 

Think he's having fun? 

Bubble time outside with daddy...

My weekend project - for meal planning + our weekly schedule. 

RF and daddy picked mama flowers...

Drawing - he LOVES to color. 

RF's 1st school photos arrived this past week. While we are not fans of posed shots, they're his first school photos - I just couldn't resist.