Thursday, May 15, 2014

26 Weeks.

How far along? 26 weeks on May 12 

Joseph Ellis is the size of…a head of LETTUCE!

Maternity Clothes: Yep. And I'm having to go out this weekend and buy some more actual maternity clothes. This belly is getting really, really big folks.

Stretch Marks: Nothing new.

Sleep: Doing well in this department still. Flip flop a few times a night to change positions, but enjoying being able to get a solid night's sleep.

Best Moment Last Week: On the way home from school the other day I asked RF who he loves. His first response was "Daddy" and his second response was "Ellis". Not sure if it was a fluke or if he actually understood me, but hey, I'll take it - it was super cute! Took a bit of prompting, but he did eventually say he loves me and his doggies.

Movement: All over the place and it's becoming more obvious about the times of the day that he is more active. I've noticed that he is crazy-moving in the early evenings (5pm-6pm) and then super early in the morning (4am-5am). We may have another early riser on our hands just like his big brother. 

Food cravings: Cravings haven't been intense this week, but I'm back to having a very intense appetite - hungry all the time. 

Gender: It's a BOY! 

Labor Signs: Nope. 

Belly Button – in or out? Pretty much an outie at this point. 

Wedding Rings – on or off? Still wedding band only. Not expecting this to change for a while with the hot weather beginning to set in. 

What I Miss: My big boy being a little boy. He is growing up so fast and is so energetic and curious and talkative. I was looking back at some photos the other day from his early months and I cannot believe how quickly time has passed. But, I absolutely love the stage he's in now (aside from the occasional temper-tantrum that he can throw). Summer is going to be fun! 

What I Am Looking Forward To: Only 7 more school days - YAY! I'm excited to get some intense cleaning, organizing, preparing for JE done in June and then relaxing in July/early August as we await JE's arrival. Also really looking forward to RF and mama outings this summer. I've already started a list of the things I want to do with him. 

Milestones: Approaching the end of trimester two. Crazy to think that we are just a few short months from JE's arrival.

JE @ 26 weeks + 1 day…
I can already tell I'm starting to swell - looking pretty rough in this photo…