Monday, April 28, 2014

24 Weeks.

How far along? 24 weeks on April 28

Joseph Ellis is the size of…a CANTALOUPE!

Maternity Clothes: Flowy dresses, just let me wear flowy dresses and flip-flops between now and August...

Stretch Marks: Same.

Sleep: Things are going pretty well in this department. RF has been sleeping really well, so I have been able to get some pretty solid sleep, although I still find myself with the usual waking up to move into a more comfortable position a few times a night.

Best Moment Last Week: RA was finally able to feel JE move. JE was super active one night so RA held his hand on my belly and less than three seconds later JE let out a good strong kick. :-)

Movement: JE is apparently having a party in there. He is constantly on the move. 

Food cravings: No super intense cravings this week, just want to eat, eat, eat. 

Gender: It's a BOY! 

Labor Signs: Nope. 

Belly Button – in or out? Still in, but just barely. 

Wedding Rings – on or off? Wedding band only. My fingers look like sausages…and I still have 16 more weeks to go…through the hot, hot, hot Mobile summer...

What I Miss: My house being clean after I clean it. With three dogs and an all-over-the-place 18 month old, I can clean up one minute and the next minute it looks like a hurricane has blown through. 

What I Am Looking Forward To: A quick trip to GA this weekend with RA, RF and the dogs. Not really looking forward to the drive, but I love it when RF spends time with his grandparents - he is in heaven! 

Milestones: RF consistently putting his hands on my belly and saying "Ellis." A few times this weekend he did it without me or RA asking him where the baby is.

Joseph Ellis @ 24 weeks…