Tuesday, April 15, 2014

22 Weeks + 1 day...

The first day of Spring Break and I couldn't find the time to take my weekly photo, so RA snapped a quick one this morning.

How far along? 22 weeks on April 14

Joseph Ellis is the size of…a PAPAYA!

Maternity Clothes: Shorts, tank-tops and flip-flops.

Stretch Marks: They are definitely lightening up as my belly stretches.

Sleep: Tossing and turning. I'm comfortable for about 2 hours and then I'm flipping over to the other side and repositioning all of my pillows. Thankfully, I have been able to fall right back asleep. Although RA has frozen the last few nights (I'm even having to put his electric blanket back on the bed) because I want the fan on FULL BLAST as I am already burning up.

Best Moment Last Week: RF has had some fussy days lately (a quick look in his mouth showed some super swollen gums…more teething trouble…poor little boy). Anywho, we were on our way to school last week and he was obviously upset. He called out my name and I held out my hand for him to hold. He grabbed my hand and spent the rest of the car ride just staring out the window. He just wanted to hold his mama's hand. He just wanted some comfort. I love that he can be comforted by my touch. I love that he loves me and knows that I am here for him.

Movement: Lots and lots of movement from JE this week. He is having a good ole' time in there, apparently. 

Food cravings: Food. Just give me food. 

Gender: It's a BOY! 

Labor Signs: Still having slight BH contractions every now and then. Still nothing consistent or intense.

Belly Button – in or out? Still in. But it's getting closer and closer to being an out-ie, I think. 

Wedding Rings – on or off? Anniversary band and engagement ring are off most of the time, but I am still able to wear my wedding band. Not sure how long that will last though as my fingers already feel swollen. 

What I Miss: Being able to see my feet. My belly is officially big enough to cover my feet when I stand up straight. Yep, I'm already THAT big. 

What I Am Looking Forward To: Accomplishing tasks on my Spring Break to-do list. I have a list of about ten things that really need to get checked off this week. RF is going to school each morning until nap-time is over and I am going to pick him up early each day so that we can hang out and enjoy some time just the two of us before I am so pregnant that I don't want to move later this summer. 

Milestones: RF is becoming a big boy in so many ways. He consistently points to my belly and says, "Ellis" and he slept in his big boy bed all night the last two nights. He is growing up so quickly. I know he is going to be a great big brother to JE.

Joseph Ellis @ 22 weeks + 1 day…