Monday, April 21, 2014

23 Weeks...

How far along? 23 weeks on April 21

Joseph Ellis is the size of…a GRAPEFRUIT!

Maternity Clothes: I spent pretty much all of Spring Break in tank tops and shorts - it was fantastic and oh so comfortable.

Stretch Marks: Same.

Sleep: Not so good. Rough nights with RF lately have led to me tossing and turning more than usual. Although last night RF slept wonderfully. My head hit my pillow about 9pm and I didn't wake up once until my alarm went off at 5am.

Best Moment Last Week: Cleaning up from dinner and hearing sweet conversations, laughs and squeals as RA gives RF his bath. There's no need for me to have the TV or radio on when I can have that as my background noise in the evenings. :-)

Movement: Same as last week - JE is all over the place. I have started to be able to see his movements on my belly, too. 

Food cravings: Deviled eggs. Thankfully, my mom made some for Easter lunch today, so I was able to indulge the craving. 

Gender: It's a BOY! 

Labor Signs: Nope. 

Belly Button – in or out? Still in, but just barely. 

Wedding Rings – on or off? Wedding band only. I tried to wear my engagement ring + my anniversary band, but they were too tight. 

What I Miss: Not feeling ginormous. I managed to start JE's pregnancy about 25 pounds lighter than I started RF's pregnancy, so this time around the weight feels even heavier to me. 

What I Am Looking Forward To: My next chiropractor appointment on Tuesday. After my first appointment last week my back pain has subsided substantially. I've never seen a chiropractor before, but now I'm pretty sure I'm hooked. 

Milestones: Spring Break has come and gone and that means one thing…SUMMER break is fast approaching! Only five more Mondays of the 2013 - 2014 school year!

JEH @ 23 weeks…