Friday, July 19, 2013

A Busy Board for A Busy Boy

One of my two projects is complete...drumroll, please.

RF's Busy Board --- :-)

It includes things that he can manipulate and things that he can touch to feel different textures. 

The old electrical face plate is from one of our renovation projects. 
The "5" and "6" were found in a drawer when we moved in to the house. 
The hook latch, door latch and carpet sample I got at Lowe's. 
The wheel is an old caster from an antique chair that we replaced. 

Three different chains and a door stop from Lowe's. 
I found the hook for him to hang things on in our "House Supplies" cabinet. 

Another carpet sample and a light switch, both from Lowe's. 

RF LOVES this thing...He is really enjoying exploring it and although some of the things are a little advanced for him right now, I know he will enjoy playing with it as he grows. I intend on adding things that are even more advanced as he masters these items. 

                                                                       Little hands exploring...

Another little project that I found on one of my mommy blogs was a homemade book using ziploc bags. I picked up some paint chips at Lowe's, wrote the color on the paint chip, put them in the ziploc bags and then secured the bags together using packing tape. RF enjoys looking at the colors and the noise that the bags make when he touches them. I'm working on making a few more that show RF different shapes and animals. 

What else have we been up to this week? 
He loves to spin the wheels on his stroller. When I say, "Robert Franklin, where are the wheels?" He crawls over to his stroller and starts spinning them. 

Splashing in a bowl of water...

Pushing his shape sorter on the hardwood floor. 
Ignore all the dog hair on the floor...we were busy playing and didn't have time to clean. :-)

Playing with Gracie. She is so sweet. She lets him pet her, play with her ears (his favorite thing to do) and poke her feet.