Wednesday, January 30, 2013

14 Weeks Old and a Major Milestone

At least to us it's a major milestone - drum roll, please...RF rolled over tonight from his back to his stomach!
He has already rolled from his stomach to his back and has been trying to go from his back to his stomach for a few days now. This afternoon, he finally did it, not once, but three times.
The first time was at Lola's house this afternoon. With a lot of coaching it took him about 3 minutes to actually do it. Tonight at home he did it after about a minute or so of coaching and the third time I finally got out the iPad to record it. As soon as I laid him down he rolled onto his side and within 20 seconds was on his stomach. So proud right proud.
And yes, that is NCIS on the video in the background. We missed the episode last night so we were trying to catch up on it tonight.