Friday, January 18, 2013


This week was quite busy as I headed back to work and RF spent his days with Lola and Aunt Hartley.   I started teaching at Fairhope High School on Monday and have to say that it is pretty awesome - the faculty, the staff, the kids, the campus, and even the additional 15 minute drive is quite nice as I choose to take the more rural route and get the chance to enjoy the quiet - no radio, no cell phone calls, no noise, just me and my thoughts.

We have our morning routine down to a science. We are up at 5:00 - Robert Alan tends to RF while I get ready for work and pack RF's bag for the day, then we are out the door on our way to Lola's by 6:00. On our way across the bay we listen to Ray Charles and RF takes a cat nap. Once we get to Lola's we get RF settled, I grab a coffee re-fill and am in Fairhope by 7:00.

Our afternoons are just as routine-based. We get home, RF cat naps while I unpack from the day then RF and I play for a little while before starting dinner. RA is home by 5:30, we have have dinner and spend time together as a family before putting RF to bed in the 7 o'clock hour. Once he is down for the night RA and I can get things ready for the next day and straighten up the house in anticipation of starting over again the next day.

RF has been doing very well in the sleeping department - he consistently sleeps between 7-9 hours a night. If he does wake up in the middle of the night a soft reassurance that he is safe and that we love him is usually all he needs to drift off to sleep. Although, the past two nights he has woken up at 2:30 or 3:00 hungry and, according to my research, this is quite normal as he is hitting his 3-month growth spurt - he will be three months next week.

RF has also begun to be much more interactive. He 'talks' to you when you talk to him - a gurgle or babble, but it is a 3-month version of 'talking'. He has been tracking things/people for a few weeks now and has begun to try and grab things that are close by - a toy, his blanket, your watch out - that grasp is a tight one. The most exciting thing that he has begun to do is try and roll-over. He can get to his back from his stomach when he is laying on the couch - it has a bit of an incline - and we are working on doing it on the floor. He is getting closer everyday, though.

We are loving watching him develop and change each and every day. And while I am loving all the new milestones, I am secretly sad that my baby boy is growing up right before my eyes. My new role as a mom is challenging, tiring, and oh-so-worth it. I am completely in love. :-)

Having a lunch with Lola on her birthday - keeping himself entertained with his hands. 


Such sweetness...

I LOVE my swing at the office - even with these funny ears on my pillow.

Sweet Zoey watching over RF while he plays with Aunt Hartley. 

Starting to 'hold' his bottle...

Chattin' up Lola while she works...

A handsome little boy...

There he goes :-) - getting better each day in the rolling-over department.