Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Two Month Dr. Appt.

We weren't able to get a well-visit appt. over the holidays, so RF had his two month dr. appt. today and we are happy to report that we have a happy and healthy 11-week old baby boy. :-)

Birth                      1 Month Appt.            2 Month Appt.
(10/24/12)              (11/27/12)                   (1/9/13)
9 lbs, 7 oz.              11 lbs, 8 oz.                14 lbs, 6 oz.
21 inches long        24 inches long            25 1/4 inches long

Our pediatrician checked RF out and gave us a perfectly healthy - physically and developmentally - bill of health.
Hanging out waiting for our pediatrician...Lola went with us to the appt., so he is chatting her up while he waits patiently...

Dr. appt.'s don't really rock RF's world. He doesn't mind too much being weighed and measured or being examined by the pediatrician, but shot-time is another story. Let's just say that RF's lungs are fully developed... :-). But once the shots were over he was easily comforted and, just like last time, was asleep before we got out to the car.

RF continues to be very alert (our pediatrician even commented on his alertness at our appt. today), loves to babble back and forth with you when you talk to him and enjoys sitting up in your lap. As the stats above show, he is growing like a weed and is now wearing 3-6 month pajamas for the extra length.

We have also now gone a week with RF sleeping in his crib, in his room, by himself. He is consistently sleeping at least six hours before waking up, but most nights will do seven or eight hours without waking up. I am glued to the baby monitor throughout the night, as you can see below.

How I spend my nights...