Sunday, April 7, 2019

New Year, New Challenge --- April 1 - April 7

52-Week Blog Challenge --- Week 14 - Five Guilty Pleasures 

1. Eating candy/chocolate while hiding from the kids so that they won't ask for a piece or for me to share.
2. Requesting additional bottles of shampoos/conditioners/lotions at hotels that have really good products. Our hotel in Kentucky offered the Bee Kind brand (check it out here) that is one of my favorites!
3. Regifting...if someone gives me a gift that doesn't fit my needs/wants I have no problem passing it along to someone that can benefit from it.
4. Naps. I know there are a million other things I should be doing, but when I have the chance to take a nap, I take it.
5. Scented candles. I have cabinets full of them in a variety of scents. Never know when you'll need or want a specific scent so it's best to be prepared for all scenarios.

Photos of Our Week

Monday, April 1

The drive home from Kentucky involved a stop at the Mayfield Dairy Plant in Athens, TN where we took a tour and enjoyed a big ol' scoop of ice cream.

Tuesday, April 2

Traveling dogs...

Wednesday, April 3 
Spotted this beauty as I was leaving the gym...I love pink dogwoods.

Thursday, April 4 
Watching the sunset from the hammock...

Friday, April 5 
Wine tasting at Chateau Elan! Give me all the reds!

Saturday, April 6 
Homemade chicken nachos --- it's what's for dinner.

Sunday, April 7 
Cherokee Rose is blooming!