Sunday, March 10, 2019

New Year, New Challenge --- March 4 - March 10

52-Week Blog Challenge --- Week 10 -What's Always In My Grocery Cart
First of all, let me just say, if your local grocery store has grocery pick-up and you aren't using it, you are missing out.

Seriously. It's the best thing ever.

1. I can shop from the comfort of my own home in my PJs. Anytime this is an option, I'm all in.
2. I've saved so much money because I don't risk impulse buys (our weekly grocery bill has decreased about 60%).
3. I don't have to wrangle kiddos through every aisle.

It is the absolute best. We have used it for a little over two months now and love it.

So, what's always in my grocery cart? Milk, bread, apples, laundry detergent, and chicken breasts. Every week those things are in the cart without fail. These two boys eat a lot and get really dirty when they play. While the full list changes slightly depending on what our schedule is and what meals we've decided to cook, those things are in the cart without fail every. single. week.

Photos of Our Week

Monday, March 4

Reading, reading, reading. He's doing such a great job reading. This book had over 60 different words in it! Way to go, RF! 

Tuesday, March 5 

Cub Scout outing this week was a hike, so RF packed his essentials kit - whistle, trail mix, bottle of water, first aid kid, flashlight, and sunscreen - and we headed out. I bought him an official Boy Scout whistle that has a compass on it, so he had fun telling us throughout the entire hike which direction we were headed.

Wednesday, March 6 

Ellis came into the kitchen and asked me for my phone saying that he needed to take a very important picture of his toys and his artwork in his room.

Thursday, March 7 

Snoozing beagle...

Friday, March 8 

Consignment sale FUN. I bought RF's spring/summer wardrobe, spent less than $200 and ended up with 74 items. When the boys outgrown consignment sales and I have to pay full price for things, I'm going to have a meltdown.

Saturday, March 9 

Date night! RA and I enjoyed a nice, quiet dinner together at one of our favorite restaurants in Covington - RL's.

Sunday, March 10 

My almost two and a half year old first-born cutie-pie. I freakin' love it when Facebook reminds you of things you posted years ago - this popped up on my phone today. Time flies...

We have a super busy week as I am out of town and RA and Meme are handling the two kiddos while I'm gone and then we have a fun family day trip next weekend. We hope you all have a great week!