Monday, February 17, 2014

14 weeks

How far along? 14 weeks on February 17 

Baby is the size of…a LEMON!

Maternity Clothes: Bella band, empire-waisted dresses, and maternity jeans are all working well right now. 

Stretch Marks: Current stretch marks are beginning to lighten, I suppose that's due to my big ole' belly growing. 

Sleep: Sleeping well. No complaints. 

Best Moment Last Week:  Getting to hear Baby Hawk #2's heartbeat again. I know I heard it less than a week before, but that whoosh-whoosh sound never gets old. 

Movement: A flutter here and there. 

Food cravings: Still craving an icee, although I haven't had any really intense cravings this week because I have been SUPER sick. I ended up at my doctor Wednesday afternoon and had to stay home on Thursday because I was feeling so horrible. 

Gender: No clue. I never had an inkling with RF either. 

Labor Signs: Nope. 

Belly Button – in or out?  In. I wonder if it will pop out this time around. It never popped out with RF. 

Wedding Rings – on or off? On

What I Miss: Not being nauseas and dizzy. This pregnancy has been completely different so far and I am hoping that the really intense symptoms subside soon. I am so thankful for my handsome husband  for being such an incredible Super Husband/Dad the last few weeks (he's always Super Husband/Dad, but here recently he has had to function without his wonderful Super Wife/Mom at his side). 

What I Am Looking Forward To: Our trip to Athens this upcoming weekend. Yay! I really miss Athens and am excited to see some old friends. Praying that the 6-hour car ride won't be too bad. 

Milestones: The pregnancy waddle. I'm pretty sure I've started walking with the waddle in my step. Again, everything seems to be different with this pregnancy. I don't remember waddling with RF until later in the pregnancy.

Baby Hawk #2 @ 14 weeks