Sunday, March 31, 2013

What a Wonderful Week...

Spring Break is summer is quickly approaching (40 school days) - thank goodness. I cannot wait to spend eight full weeks with my favorite boy. Some highlights from our week...
This is what RF thought of my to-do list for the week...he was not impressed. 

Naps...lots of naps...


Hanging out chatting with friends after story time at the library...

Playing in his room with his beagle at his side...

Curious George...we love monkeys! 

Play date with much fun hanging out with other babies...

Hanging out at the Elberta Sausage Festival...
I cannot tell you how many people point and smile at RF when he has on his hat and sunglasses. We probably had 20 different people stop and comment how cool he looked - even a group of biker (motorcycle) dudes gave him a big thumbs up and he gave them a big laugh and a smile...

Cool dude...



Helping daddy with a house project...

As RF was sitting outside with RA and Robert's parents I was working in the kitchen and had the back door open so I could see and hear them - absolutely most amazing moments - a daddy explaining to his son what he is doing and the son babbling back to him all the while watching intently at each move his daddy makes...don't worry RF - there will be PLENTY more house projects for you to help daddy with... :-)