Sunday, March 24, 2013

Five Months Old

Sheesh...five months old today. We are moving in to a really fun stage - RF is so animated, so happy, so curious and so BUSY. He loves to play with his toys, sit outside, 'talk' to you, and he is even sitting up. We lowered the pack n' play so that he can sit and play with his toys - he loves it.

We are so excited because this week is Spring Break for me - our game plan includes - mama and baby boy time - lots of playing and lots of naps :-), story-time at the library, visiting Lola and Papa Tad at work, working on RF's first year scrapbook, and getting ready for Nana and Babu to arrive on Friday. Not to mention getting ready for our first Easter with RF and since the family gathering is at our house this year, maybe, just maybe, a bit of housecleaning. Lots to do, lots to do. You cannot even imagine how excited I am to have a whole week with RF. Don't get me wrong, I love my job, I REALLY love my job, but there is nothing better than spending time with him - he is so much fun. And since I am so excited for this week, you can imagine how excited I am for summer - two whole months with him :-)

He caught me...trying to chew on my chin...

His daddy called his name as he was trying to chew on me...

Smiling for the camera

At Fort Conde with Lola

Fort Conde

Holding his own bottle

Which toy to choose...he went for the book by the way, that's my boy :-)

Chewing on his toes...







What a 5 month old is interested in...

Toys, :-)