Sunday, February 10, 2019

New Year, New Challenge --- February 4 - February 10

This past week felt L-O-N-G. I'm not sure why as it was a pretty normal week, but on Wednesday I could have sworn that it was Friday.

52-Week Blog Challenge --- Week 6 - Ten Years From Now...
  • I'll be 43. 
  • RA and I will have been married for 21 years. 
  • I'll have a 16 year old and a 14 year old.
  • I will be in my 22nd year in education.
  • I will have earned my doctorate.
  • I hope to be doing work with curriculum and instruction as it has become my passion through my work with A+ College Ready. 
  • We will have purchased our weekend home in the mountains of North Carolina. 
  • We will have traveled west to visit the national parks on my bucket list as well as to Great Britain and Ireland, also on my bucket list. 
  • And there's no telling what else we will experience and accomplish in the next ten years...
Photos of Our Week

Monday, February 4 --- Socks...

This is what happens when you put off and then put off again and then put off again matching up all of the single socks that come out of the dryer. An entire laundry basket of socks. What an aggravating task.

Tuesday, February 5 --- Missing Nana and Babu

 I went looking for E to get him ready for school and found him sitting on his bed staring at his pictures of Nana and Babu. He loves his grandparents a whole, whole, whole bunch. 

Wednesday, February 6 --- Favorite Podcast

 I've become a big podcast listener in the last few months. Multiple times a day you will find me with my earbuds in and I'm usually listening to one of my favorite podcasts. I spend my 15 minute drive from RF's school to EHS listening to one every morning and was able to finish Rachel Hollis's most recent episode on her RISE Podcast where she interviewed John Maxwell. It was an amazing interview about success and leadership. 

Thursday, February 7 --- Southwest Chicken Egg Rolls

 Super simple + super yummy! 

Friday, February 8 --- Sick Little Guy

 E ran a fever Thursday night, so we kept him home from school on Friday and as soon as I got home from work, he and I snuggled up on my bed to watch cartoons and rest. Friday night was pretty rough, too with more high fever, but we are crossing our fingers that we have turned a corner and that the fever will begin to subside. I hate it when my little guys are sick.

Saturday, February 9 --- Archaeologists

 My two little guys love archaeology (i.e. digging in the dirt), so when one of their Little Passports activities dealt with excavating a surprise inside of an Egyptian pyramid, I knew they'd enjoy it. E even sat up for a few minutes (sick on the couch) and helped/watched as RF and I tried to find the treasure. 

Sunday, February 10 ---  Flowers

Daffodils are blooming in our yard and we love vintage bottles (the one on the right RA, RF, and E found in a creek along a trail in Oxford) in the Hawk house, so it's nice to be able to create a little bouquet of happiness using our antique finds. 

Hope everyone has a great week! See you all next week.