Friday, December 28, 2018

Christmas 2018

This year was so much fun! The boys are at a great age to bask in the magic of Christmas and we had a grand ole' time celebrating as a family.

 So handsome in their blazers in front of the Christmas tree. 

 Heading to church looking dapper! 

 Family photo...

 Ready for Christmas Eve candle light service...all smiles when sitting next to Babu. 

 Church decorations...

 Homemade hot chocolate for a cool Christmas Eve in front of the fire...

 Add in Christmas pjs and Its A Wonderful Life on tv and you have the perfect Christmas eve...

 Cookies and milk are out along with their letter to Santa...

Off to bed for the boys while Santa gets to work making sure there are some surprises underneath the tree...

 Stockings for the puppies are ready to go. 

 RF's stocking from Santa...

 Ellis's stocking from Santa...

 Santa enjoyed the cookies and milk and left the boys a note...

 RA's stocking from Santa...

 Mommy's stocking from Santa...


 Christmas morning sunrise in Georgia...

 RF is super excited while Ellis is still asleep...

After taking a look at our goodies from Santa, it was time for presents! 

 RF was so excited to see me open my gift from him - a gorgeous ring! He was so stinkin' proud. 

 And he got RA a coffee cup that has Legos on it along with 'Best Dad on the Block'...

 Opening their present from Nana and Babu...

 Tearing into his gift...

 Fishing poles! And Ellis is holding his gift from RF - a turtle stuffed animal...

 Their READ gift from mommy and daddy...

 Their WEAR gift from mommy and daddy...

 Then Daisy opened the gifts for the dogs - treats!
 His NEED gift from mommy and daddy...

 His NEED gift from mommy and daddy...

 His WANT gift from mommy and daddy...a new HESS truck! 

 His WANT gift from mommy and daddy...a new construction crane!

 And their joint gift from mommy and daddy - walkie talkies! 

He spent the day saying "breaker-breaker" and "10-4" and "over and out"...

 Exploring the fun that comes with their new Kindle Fires...
 Ending our night by watching A Christmas Story...
A calm, simple day hanging at home was just what we wanted. 
Merry Christmas, friends!