Wednesday, May 20, 2015

The Busy Hawk Boys

These two little ones are constantly ON. THE. GO.

RF would live outside if we would let him (and find a way to get rid of all of the mosquitoes). And Ellis is a daredevil - wanting to do everything that his two and a half year old brother does, even though he is only ten months old.

Heard lots of laughter outside yesterday afternoon --- looked out the window and found this...

10 months old and standing up on his own...

Monkey - he is a climber...

Standing up, mama...

Taking it down to the floor without support...

He is enamored with Gracie...

Playing us a little tune...

Helping Nana unload the groceries while being guarded by Mr. Charlie...

Climbing daddy's ladder…he wanted to go "Higher, mama."

Water time...

Happy as can be. They could sit in this pool and play for hours. 

Wandering around Washington Park...

Tried to get a photo with all my boys, but the oldest kiddo wanted to run around, so this is the only photo I was able to snap once I caught him. 

An Ellis sandwich...

We explained that this is an old cannon, but RF insisted that it was a big 'spy glass' --- i.e. telescope. 

The three people that make me happiest in life...