Friday, May 8, 2015

The Randomness That Makes Life Great...

SO much going on in our lives right now as we are preparing for our move back to Georgia this summer, but one thing remains the same --- my love for these two guys and their dad.

Every time I'm close to a breakdown (or in the midst of a breakdown…) I am reminded just how lucky I am to have so many blessings in my life and my three guys are at the top of that list. So what have we been up to lately?

Another dr. appointment decided that Mr. Ellis needed tubes...

Morning of surgery and as happy as can be playing with his daddy...

Bath-time…brothers…one of my favorite times of the day...

Bubbles, toys, splashing...

Nap-time, mama? Are you sure? I think it's time to STAND UP in my crib and talk to the empty room...

No your eyes are deceiving you…that's a SNAKE curled up in the confederate jasmine on our back porch. Needles to say, mama FREAKED out...

Not too sure about this….

Oh yea, I figured it out…I like this, mama…
(FYI - he was mad as a hornet when I took him out of the pool to dry him off and take him inside for the day…)

More brother play-time...

Helping daddy clean off the lawn-mower…
Invite him to help with any task involving the water hose and RF is there...

When did this kid get so big? 

No, Ellis. You don't eat the bubbles...

Keeping a close eye on his brother...

You can run, but you can't hide, RF...

Ellis is enamored with RF and wants to do everything his big brother does. So far, RF isn't complaining, now let's just hope that lasts (ha.ha.ha.). 

I used to immediately see the mess. Now I immediately see the love…brotherly love. 

His TOE-MA-TOE. That's how he says it…TOE-MA-TOE...

I asked him to put his shoes at the front door…and he did just that. 

We stopped by the office one afternoon and Papa Tad had a surprise for RF --- an airplane! 

Love this big boy so much…and I especially love that he still asks to lay down and snuggle with me on the couch...

Mr. Ellis had his first real ouchie a few weeks ago. He took a nose dive outside. Busted up his lip and skinned his nose. 

STANDING at the couch - he will now let go and stand unsupported. Hasn't quite yet decided to try and move from the standing position, but I know it's coming...

Ellis decided to re-arrange the washcloth basket and stopped mid-playing when he heard the FRIENDS theme song…

Mr. Ellis trying on hats.

Ellis giving UGA some love...

STANDING again and playing in the playroom...

He wanted to play on RA's computer, so I pulled out an old one and he went to town...

Some wonderful smelling gardenias that RA picked for me off our gardenia bushes...

RF had another stomach bug earlier this week and was pretty puny for a few days...

Ellis checking in on his brother...

RF sorted his blocks…seriously, he did this all on his own. He was playing with the blocks and came into the kitchen to ask me if he could have the 'rainbow bowls'. I opened the cabinet, he grabbed these and went to sorting...

Me: "You want to show my house tomorrow? Yea, sure."
Hang up the phone. 
Me: "Crap."