Sunday, August 3, 2014

JEH: Week 2 Reflections

JEH is two weeks old. 

The past two weeks have been full of fun, full of sleeplessness, and full of much, much L.O.V.E. 

1. I can tell that I'm coming off the high of delivery and the first few days postpartum. I've been very emotional this week and have had a few mini-meltdowns at how tough it is being a mama to two little ones who want my undivided attention. I know it's still early and we are all still adjusting, but man, this parenting two thing is tough. 

2. I'm definitely feeling the sleep-deprivation. Thank goodness for coffee. 

3. RF really is adjusting well. He talks to Ellis and tells him which toys he's playing with and he comes running when Ellis lets out a cry. Ellis was in his cradle yesterday morning and RF was playing in my bedroom while I folded some laundry. RF walked over to say something to Ellis and accidentally bumped Ellis's cradle and Ellis let out a cry. RF started crying too and said (through his tears), "Sorry, Ellis." 

4. The house is still a wreck…it's semi-picked up, but definitely not clean. Maybe I'll get the inkling to truly clean sometime soon. For now, I'm not too worried about it. 

5. I feel accomplished if I take a shower, do a load of laundry and make dinner each day. Aside from the constant cycle of feedings, pumping and diaper changes I think those three tasks are enough for each day right now. 

6. JE's nursery still isn't finished...maybe this week, maybe not, who knows. 

7. The major thing I worried about during JE's pregnancy was logistics and that is what is frustrating me the most. We're only two weeks in, but the planner in me is having a mild panic attack when things are chaotic.

8. We have a weight check tomorrow morning. We're hoping JE is back up to or has surpassed his birth weight. 

9. JE eats well and sleeps well. We are definitely seeing more awake time from him each day. 

10. JE got his first bath this week. He definitely took it better than RF did the first time we bathed him at home. JE was calm, cool, and collected the whole time. And not much smells better than a freshly bathed baby. 

A fun afternoon playing with his blocks...

Some mama and first-born time at Target - or as RF calls it, the popcorn store… :-)

I love this sweet smile…

I love this sweet face, too...

Mom, stop taking my picture…I'm only 2 weeks old and it's already annoying. 

JE's first bath…