Sunday, August 10, 2014

JEH: Week 3 Reflections

We've survived another week with a toddler and a newborn and are continuing to adjust to being a family of four.

JE is fitting in pretty seamlessly and RF has shown great initiative at being a big brother. Seriously, it melts my heart when he walks over to JE and says, "Hi, Ellis" or "It's ok, Ellis" --- MELTS. MY. HEART. 

A few reflections from this past week... 

1. RA and I have realized just how non-stop being a parent to two little ones is. We are pretty much on the go from the moment their eyes open in the morning until the moment they go to bed at night. Once one is fed, changed, and entertained is about the time the other one wants to be fed, needs to be changed and entertained. It's non-stop, but it's so worth it --- so incredibly worth it. 

2. More emotions from me this week. I know that we're only three weeks out, but I've had a few moments this week where I had a breakdown because I felt like I couldn't handle it all - kids, house, work (trying to get things ready for my sub to start next week), etc. I'm hoping that I will start to calm down and let go a bit here soon. I suppose it's the type-A personality in me that wants to handle everything for everyone and sometimes in doing that I forget about myself…working on it, folks, working on it. 

3. Complicating my little breakdowns this week were the fact that I developed mastitis mid-week, had to go to the doctor, and am on antibiotics. Then I woke up with a cold Friday morning. Nothing major, but just enough to have me feeling double run-down (initial run-down is from sleep deprivation, of course). 

4. JE is going through a "I want to be held" phase. There was one night this week where he wanted to be in my arms, literally, all night long. It was a rough night, to say the least. I keep chalking it up to the fact that he was born a little early and technically would still be in my belly had he not already been born, so maybe he is just still wanting that warmth and snuggle of the womb. Perfectly fine with me, little man. I know there will be a day when you won't want me to hold you, so I'll take advantage of it now. 

5. Monday begins my eighth year teaching. And although I am technically on maternity leave, I am excited for a new school year. I spent a good deal of time this summer getting things ready for the few weeks that I am out and am going to truly miss all of the beginning of school-year fun, but I know that once I do go back to work my routine will be very different with getting RF, JE and myself out the door and to school/work on time each day. I'm definitely going to have to spend a week or so practicing how we're going to manage our morning routine once I'm back at work.

6. Speaking of work, I am so thankful for all of my sweet co-workers who have made meals for us this past week. Everything has been delicious and it has been a huge blessing not to have to worry about dinner each day - one less thing on this mama's to-do list has been a huge help. 

7. JEH's birth announcements came in the mail this week and I am so excited to get them to our family and friends. It's on the to-do list for next week. We'll see if it happens...

8. As if I wasn't already thankful for such a helpful husband, having two little ones makes me even more thankful for a man who is so involved in the raising of his youngins'. With two, we feel like we are having to man a one-on-one defense where one of us focuses on RF and the other focuses on JE. And we're trying to rotate who handles what with each little guy. Some nights I handle RF's bath while RA handles JE, other nights RA handles RF's bath and I handle JE. It's pretty much the same with every other child-rearing task. We're a team. Thank goodness I've got a good teammate. 

9. More super sweetness from RF this week towards his little brother. When RF comes in from school each afternoon he looks for Ellis and tells him, "Hi." RF will bring his books, blocks, trains, etc. over and show them to Ellis, too. Without prompting he checks on Ellis, will bring me things I need while I am feeding Ellis, turns his sound machine on in his cradle, and even shows true emotion/concern when JE is upset. RF also held his brother (supervised, of course) for the first time this week. RA asked RF if he wanted to hold JE and RF said, "Yes". RF just smiled and smiled as he held JE. So sweet…so darn sweet. I am super thankful that this transition has essentially been seamless (fingers crossed it continues) for RF.

So incredibly thankful for all three of my boys. Each one of them makes me so proud to be a wife and a mama.

Life is good, folks. Life is good. :-)

Lots more sleeping this week. Well, he had a lot of awake time, but there is something so photogenic about a sleeping baby. I just can't help myself.